Hi Everyone!
We have a new game on Newgrounds today and an extra special anouncment that I hope fans of our games will appreaciate!
First up our new game on Newgrounds is our mega popular Skywire 2 game! Go play and see how much better it is than the original with all the new bosses and two player mode bells and whistles!: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/599347
Outside of this release we are thrilled to anounce the upcoming release on iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad or IceBreaker - a Viking Voyage. Based on our popular IceBreaker games but really taken to a whole new level as a fully fleshed out adventure. If you like our games I recomend you check out this link to find out more about the game: http://www.nitrome.com/press/icebreaker-ios/#.UA akhWES1Xk
We hope you enjoy it and if you like the games we post here on newgrounds please remember that we have over 100 games made by our team at our home site: www.nitrome.com